BGMI ESP Injector Latest v2.8.3 (Latest Version) Free Download

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4.8 v2.8.3 15 MB
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BGMI ESP Injector is the BGMI advanced server application. This will work with the flow of advanced features and rolling updates. BGMI is a multiplayer online first-person shooter where two teams of four fight it out with their guns.

Every player is armed with a gun and grenades, but that’s just the beginning of the update. There are also melee weapons like knives and hammers, so players can beat down their enemies in a variety of ways. But if you want to inject or unlock all the other useful and interesting features of the game, you have to download the BGMI ESP Injector. It has a lot of the features of BGMI games.

What is a BGMI 64 BIT Injector?

BGMI ESP Injector update is another fantastic Android game APK that lets you acquire a variety of features, including auto headshots, diamonds, ESPs, guns, and more. These BGMI freebies are a great foundation for successful BGMI gameplay.

These traits are associated with a strong and skilled video game player. They’ll make you stand out from the crowd and be respected by other players. With this injection device, you’ll be a tick of brilliance if you are incompetent and a beginner.


The BGMI ESP Injector is a very simple and easy-to-use APK. It is a very helpful injector for players without installing other applications. So the app has similar features to BGMI Injector in the BGMI category. Summing up, it has many great features that make it different from other similar apps.

It allows you to quickly and easily infuse your video game with a variety of high-end, real-world effects, including smoke, lasers, explosions, fire, water, and more.

Some of the BGMI ESP Injector’s characteristics include below following list.

Auto Headshot 

When your enemies are near enough, it fires a second shot, which causes an explosion and sometimes an extra projectile. It will aim your target at the opponent’s head with the auto headshot.

Aim crouch

The Aim crouch is designed to make aiming at your enemy easy and fast. No more peeking over your shoulder to make sure you don’t miss. 

Aim Fire

With Aim Fire, you can fire bullets, missiles, and bombs at your opponents from any angle. It’s awesome!

Aim visible

The new BGMI ESP Injector has a hidden feature that can improve your aim by over 100%.

Aim Fov

The new Aim Fov has a patented feature that allows you to see your target in all directions at the same time. This feature alone will allow you to hit your targets with great accuracy. 

Esp. Grenade

This grenade is so awesome that it comes with its own jetpack! So, when you throw it, it blasts straight out and zaps anything in its way. 

Esp. CountV2

It’s the most advanced weapon ever created. It has a feature called “double-action trigger.” That means you don’t need to pull the trigger twice for each shot.

Esp. Count Nearby

In this ob35 update, the game will show the number of experience points you get from killing nearby enemies. So, now you’ll never get tired of shooting Esp.-pointing robots.

Esp. EntenaFire

With the EspentenaFire, you’ll be able to shoot out a fireball at any angle. Just pull the trigger, aim, and fire! 

Chams Walls

That means, no matter where you are in the world, you can use this device to smash your way through walls and destroy enemies before they can even use it!

Obtain the verified badge

This new video game injector is a tool for getting a verified badge. You don’t need a special card to earn the verified Badge. 


BGMI Video Game Injector was a revolutionary invention that injected fun into video games.  It gives you a view of what your opponent sees when he or she kills you. So if you know what the other person sees, you can adjust your strategy accordingly. BGMI ESP Injector will unlock many features for the update. So, shoot in many ways and enjoy.